Our Main Services

Discretionary Portfolio Management Services

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We offer tailor-made investment management solutions for individual or institutional investors. We will learn about our clients' needs, understand their past investment knowledge and experience through financial analysis and risk questionnaires. Upon understanding the clients' risk appetite and investment expectations, we will explain the risks and returns, investment time horizon and liquidity characteristics behind each investment product and set investment standards and objectives together with the client on the portfolio investment. This process allows our investment team to set a clear investment framework for each discretionary portfolio. Taking both risks and return into considerations, we design tailor-made investment portfolios together with our clients. After obtaining the consent from our clients, we will implement the set out investment strategies and actively manage the portfolio and meet with our clients for periodic review on a regular basis to monitor the portfolio's development. 


With the utilization of big data and analysis platform (e.g. Bloomberg), Seeds Capital builds its unique data model and portfolio management system which assists the investment team to continuously monitor and analyze world economy, latest market news and situation of various assets. Combining with the investment framework of each client,  the investment team designs and manages various discretionary portfolios. The investment products range includes: Global equities, different types of bonds, wide range of Unit Trust/Mutual funds, various types of derivatives, foreign exchange, precious metals, alternatives, etc.


Investors have the right to choose their preferred custodian bank/securities firm and to open account(s) in their own capacity, where Seeds Capital only act as an authorized signer to the investment account. Our powers are limited to managing the investment portfolios in custodian banks/securities firms for investors and do not hold clients' assets. All of the assets are entirely held or managed by the custodian bank/securities firm, while limited mandates enable us to manage clients' assets more efficiently, but we do not have the power to transfer assets or funds in and out of the accounts. This functional segregation provides a high level of security for our clients' assets and also preserving our independence, which is the strength of External Asset Management.